I first came to know Aikido from an acquaintance, two weeks following the birth of my youngest child. The urging need to maintain a healthy and well-balanced life while carrying out family duty care with young children at that time has directed me to choose aikido as my physical exercise because aikido welcomes everyone at all […]
Returning to physical practice at the time of retirement requires adequate activity and favourable circumstances. In Aikido, we are mainly fighting ourselves; we are learning to overcome our limitations, to unite our body and spirit through techniques and motions, and thus, more importantly, we are improving our nature and relationship with all living creatures. After […]
I spent the whole of my productive years in study and here I am armed with knowledge and skills of Medicine as a Consultant Medical Oncologist. But, I always felt insecure either inside the hospital wall where “hospital vandalism” by patients and caretakers or relatives has been very common or while traveling beyond walls in […]